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Clearing and deleting schemes
Gordon Thomson avatar
Written by Gordon Thomson
Updated over a week ago

Maintaining schemes to ensure that your data handling meets with GDPR (or other) guidelines and so that you don’t exceed your subscription allowance is essential. This is why SUMAC® now provides the means to clear members from a scheme and also delete schemes altogether.

⚠️Deleted data cannot be retrieved. Proceed with caution!

Danger Zone

The aptly named Danger Zone can be found in Scheme Settings under the Basic tab. It contains the functionality which will allow you to delete data from SUMAC®.


Head to the Danger Zone and select the functionality you wish to use. In both cases - clearing and deleting - a popup will appear, encouraging the export of all the data from the scheme using the provided Export Data function. The warning in the popup will also encourage you to contact the scheme members to let them know of the deletion.

Contacting scheme members can be done via Group Email.

Clearing a scheme

Clearing a scheme removes all members and associated data (partnerships, meetings, notes etc.), but leaves all scheme settings and notifications. To do this, click on the Clear Scheme button which will show the following popup:

As mentioned above, the popup encourages you to both export the scheme data and also to contact the scheme members to inform them of the deletion.

Once done, type Confirm into the text box, and click Confirm to clear the scheme. A notification will appear in the top right of the screen to inform you that SUMAC® has started the process.

Depending on the size of the scheme, it may take a few moments to complete!

Deleting a scheme

The process is much the same as clearing a scheme except the end result is complete removal of the scheme and all data in the scheme (including sign up form etc).

✅ Don't forget

Only delete a scheme if you are sure you don’t require it, and won’t need to access data from the scheme in the future. If you have reached account limits and want to retain the scheme, get in touch with your account coordinator.

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