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How do I update a member's preferences?
How do I update a member's preferences?

Find a member and quickly update their preferences to effect their matching scores

Gordon Thomson avatar
Written by Gordon Thomson
Updated over a week ago

A member has signed up, and now you want to view their profile and amend their preferences. This guide will help you find the member, view their details and then update their preferences. Changing preferences will have a direct effect on the matching scores for the member.

Find a member

There are a few ways to find a member:

  1. Use the search in the top navbar.

  2. Visit the members datascreen and click on a first or last name.

  3. Visit the partnerships datascreen and view the members listed there, clicking on their name to visit their profile.


Once the member’s profile page has loaded, click the Edit dropdown (looks like a pencil) on a member’s profile page.

Click on Edit Details. This will change the view to show the fields that can be edited. Update the details and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Click Submit to save the changes.

Members can also update their preferences by logging in to SUMAC® and visiting the correct scheme page.

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