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How can I add a note to a member's profile?
How can I add a note to a member's profile?

Log additional information against a member's profile

Gordon Thomson avatar
Written by Gordon Thomson
Updated over a week ago

You’ve got additional information you want to log against a particular member, but you don’t want to use any of the form fields. Notes are the answer.


Visit the member’s datascreen and click on the member’s name to visit their profile.

Once you see the profile, click on the Add note button. A popup will appear.

Select the note type and fill out the note text. Click Save Note to save the note.

You can now visit the Notes tab and view your note.

💡All the available types of note behave in the same way, with the only difference being the colour of the label they are assigned in the notes table. To add a flagged note select Flagged as the type and you’re all set!

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