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How can I view a member's notes?
How can I view a member's notes?

Check notes assigned against an individual member of a scheme

Gordon Thomson avatar
Written by Gordon Thomson
Updated over a week ago

You’ve noticed that a member has notes associated with their profile and want to read through them to get a sense of the changes this profile has seen over their time as a member in your scheme.


Visit the Members datascreen and click on a member’s name to visit their profile page. You’ll see something like the image opposite. The top row shows the member’s name, with the button row having the actions available on the page.Below this are the tabs. It’s here we’ll find the link to the notes.

Click the Notes tab. Sometimes this has a number or two next to it showing the notes count. In the image opposite, the first number is the total, the second number how many of the total are flagged (in red). In the example, Doyle has 2 notes of which 1 is a flagged note.

Once you’ve clicked the Notes tab, you’ll see a list of the current notes for the member. Here you can sort by table header and also resolve and remove the note.

Flagged notes will also show in the list above. These can be resolved by clicking the Resolve button and providing a reason for resolution.

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